Monday, May 10, 2010

My atonement

A few days later when I checked the cookie tin our money was getting thin. We had let the lab up on the mountain, simply running from the problem when I was confronted with my sin. I had in mind to manufacture some methamphetamine; I need a lab to pull it off. I had previously done some research, and I believed that I could construct a reduction vessel out of 316 grade stainless steel. Running the numbers over in my mind, the plan was already in motion. I was going to put the equipment together, buy a massive amount of chemicals and have one more run in the criminal side of life.
God had made my sin known to me and I had a plan to do what I wanted and at the same time atone for my sin.
I was going to cook one more batch, a huge batch, maybe a hundred pounds or more. I would sell the product and give HALF THE MONEY TO THE CHURCH! I know you are laughing and I also bet that you do the same thing. We all justify our moral dilemma, conducting some sort of religious penance in order to move our little schemes forward.

Joani and I were staying with some friends in Clarkston. They lived in an apartment on Ash Street. I was watching the news that night and I saw that it was Fat Tuesday. My mind began to race, “Fat Tuesday! Ash street, Ash Wednesday!, I knew what I was going to do! Joani and her friend Teresa came in the front door, where I confronted them. “Tomorrow is the first day of Lent, and we are going to fast for the Lord!”

I had in an instant concocted the plan. Not only would I cook a batch of illegal drugs and give half the money to the church, I would also provide further penance by proclaiming a fast for Lent. “No alcohol, or drugs during Lent” I declared. Joani reluctantly agreed, as she still may do with one of my hair brained ideas.

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